What begins badly… ends badly, at least that’s how the traditional saying goes. And now Clara Chia Marti, the current girlfriend of Gerard Pique, is very affected by the hints of Shakira‘s track, Monotonía, and that’s why she preferred to stay away from everything, at least to not feel so attacked.
Pique’s new girlfriend sexily dances to Shakira’s ‘Te Felicito’
Monotonia, a track with more than 50 million plays
Shakira does not stop receiving love and good vibes from millions of fans, and her new track, Monotonia, quickly positioned itself among the most viewed songs on YouTube in a few days since its release. According to new reports emerging from the media in Spain, the main people affected by the song’s lyrics are Gerard Piqué and his current partner, Clara Chía Martí.
Report: Clara Chía is very affected
‘Te felicito’ by Shakira being played in the Barcelona dressing room
This was revealed by the Spanish paparazzi and very well informed of the whole Shakira issue, Jordi Martin: “They tell me that Clara no longer even goes to work at the Kosmos headquarters, but works from home, she is not strong enough”, he explained in the program Socialité of Telecinco in Spain.
As expected, the paparazzi’s statements have already provoked all kinds of comments. Although some say that Clara Chia must have been prepared to be in the spotlight. Others have come to her defense, arguing that she should not be the target of criticism because Pique is the one who should take the consequences of his breakup with Shakira.
The truth in the whole issue of the separation of Shakira and Pique, is that the soccer player is the one who was left in the worst position, and now he has been the target of many attacks and now Clara Chía Martí, pointed out of provoking the breakup, has also been splashed with criticism.